

When the sunshine is shining it wakes the soul in me
makes me feel alive sets my spirit free
shining high above in the sky so blue
bringing happiness as it comes shining through

makes you feel so happy makes you feel brand new
high up in the sky shining down on you
makes you want to dance makes you want to sing
just to see the sunshine is such a lovely thing.




Music lifts one up
It expresses what we feel
Fills our heart and soul
It can touch the world
Connect all of us
Communicate our story
Tell our history and future
It can paint a picture
With sound
It can calm us or excite
Causing us to dance
It inspires us
Sometimes it can make us laugh
It’s a mirror into the best of us
It’s healing and powerful
We need it
It is magic


(Scheduled Post

Alarm #Poetry

Alarm #Poetry

I set my alarm for happy.
Hope I don’t oversleep.

I set my alarm for dreams
hope the ring tone makes me dance.

I set my alarm for love
hope it wakes up heart.

I set my alarm for harmony
can’t wait to hear it.

I set my alarm for smiles
hope its infiltrates waking moments.

I set my alarm to peace
as I attune to music of heart

Alarm to call angels
for their unconditional hugs.

I set my alarm
to be walking lighthouse of love.

Alarm to shine
as divine being of song.

I set alarm of senses
so I may be authentic self.

Alarm to be
shining lighthouse of color
anointing all.

I set my alarm
to merge with all I see

Alarm so human vessel
can awake to let freedom ring.

She was like Music #Poetry

She was like Music #Poetry

She was like music,
and I longed to dance.

Her heart was the beat,
and I begged for the chance.

Her words were the vocals,
and I was put in a trance.

Her smile was the melody,
and I fell in love at first glance.


She Was Like Music #Poetry

She was like music,
and I longed to dance.

Her heart was the beat,
and I longed for the chance.

Her words were the vocals,
and I was put in a trance.

Her smile was the melody,
and I fell in love at first glance.


Dance #Poetry


I dance away this, everything

each move fractures another

window of the prison, shatter.

Shatter! Suddenly it is so


Thoughts freeze, emotions boil

everything is too silent, after

after the constant moving.

Dance! Madness is everywhere

dance away, every bit of the

captivation. Inside.

I am madness, in the form of art.