Creativity’s surprising

Creativity’s surprising

Creativity’s surprising face,
So full of wonder and grace.
It comes when you least expect,
Bringing forth new ideas and concepts.

It whispers in your ear
And suddenly, you are filled with cheer
As the unexpected spark ignites
And your imagination takes flight.

Creativity’s surprising ways
Leave us in a joyous daze
For it knows no bounds or limits
And in its presence, we feel infinite.

It can turn the mundane into art
And bring forth treasures from the heart
It is a force that cannot be tamed
And when it arrives, we are never the same.

So let us embrace creativity’s surprise
And welcome it with open eyes
For in its unexpected form
We find the beauty that can transform.

Oh, creativity, how you astound
With your whimsical and wondrous sound
Forever surprising, forever new
Oh, what wonders you bring to view!

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