Happiness felt strangely remote

Happiness felt strangely remote

Happiness felt strange and remote
Like a foreign land I couldn’t quite navigate
I wanted to embrace it, but something held me back
Anxiety whispered in my ear, filling me with worry

Why did this feeling of joy make me feel so uneasy?
It was like a dream I couldn’t quite grasp
A fleeting moment of bliss that left me longing for more
But also fearing the unknown

I longed for the simplicity of happiness
But the weight of worry held me down
It felt like I was walking on a tightrope
Balancing between elation and apprehension

But in the midst of my unease, I found solace
I learned to embrace the strange feeling of joy
And let go of the worry that held me back
I found a peaceful acceptance of the remote happiness

I realized that happiness didn’t have to be perfect
It could be strange and unfamiliar, and that was okay
I could find joy in the simple moments
And let go of the worry that threatened to consume me

So I chose to embrace the remote happiness
To savor it, and let it fill my heart with warmth
I let go of the worry, and found freedom in the joy
And in that moment, I found peace in the strange and remote happiness.

© vishaldutia

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