Traffic light sex

Traffic light sex

Yes no, no yes, stop, no make me cum All confusing commands used within a passions throw, perhaps he could you the traffic light system RED for stop, AMBER wait and then it’s GREEN for go

No more misdirection he can no longer get it wrong, you both know what you wants, you’re both singing the same song

GREEN is go for it you start off steady nice and slow, you can then pick up speed, for GREEN is the sign to go

Then you get to AMBER this is the colour that’s most fun, it leaves you orgasms edge, deciding exactly when and if you cum

Tantalisingly hanging so close, one lick or stroke from a puddle on the floor, you are screaming out for GREEN but he just waits some more

Then he begins to pound so hard, AMBER turns to GREEN, deep fast frantic thrusts you begin to cream

Again and again you cum, he’s nailed you to the bed, fucking you until you can’t take no more, at last you whimper RED

No more yes no yes there’s no more confusion in your bed, you share a understanding using GREEN, AMBER, RED.

© VishalDutia

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Red Rose & White Rose #Poetry

I was a red rose
and you were the white one,
my love
we may different in color
but I’m glad
we had the same thorns
and shadow


A Beautiful Red Rose. #Poetry


You become annoyed by a flash, 

make a rude comment,

and go on with our day. 

A wasted breath,

The pictures you hate are the ones I savor.


Let me tell you a little story. 

A story of a girl named Rose.

She was my best friend. 

The quiet girl with the kindest soul. 

She never spoke in public but once we were alone she would never shut up.

She was the prettiest girl I have ever laid my eyes upon, the prettiest girl I have ever laid my hands on. 

The prettiest girl I have ever loved.


When I met her, she was cliche.

She had stick straight red hair, glasses, freckles, skinny, and always had a book in her hand.


When she died she looked like death was her personal designer with a gay sidekick. 


I could spend years describing this beautiful girl I called Rosie, but you would never be able to fully comprehend her beauty because I have no proof of the girl she once was. 


A beautiful red rose.



Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. #Poetry

Roses are red
Violets are blue
drugs are a great topic
so my muse is you

Roses are red
Violets are blue
look at the stars
and how they shine for you

Roses are red
Violets are blue
My shadows getting tired
of searching for you

Roses are red
violets are blue
The center of my world
begins and ends with you

Roses are red
violets are blue
The way that you kiss me....

Roses are red
violets are blue
You will always be
my special Boo.

Roses are red,
violets are blue
Im telling you I love you
so what are you gonna do?